Kayla Mignone
Naturopath BHSc

Meet Kayla Mignone

Kayla Mignone is an experienced Bachelor Degree qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbalist (BHSc), with a special interest in gut health, immune health fatigue and environmental toxins.

Kayla is passionate about providing holistic, patient-centred care, focusing on the root cause of your health issues. Kayla’s aim is to educate you to improve your health, and your life for the better.

In Kayla’s personal life, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, weight training, spending time at the beach, listening to music, meditating, and exploring the outdoors.

My Story

Being diagnosed with numerous autoimmune conditions from a young age, I had suffered most of my life with chronic ill health. I felt sick and tired every single day. I was battling extreme fatigue, pain throughout my joints and muscles, incredibly poor immunity, anxiety, depression, and digestive symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and abdominal pain. On top of all this, I was struggling with type 1diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and coeliac disease.

“I truly believed there was no hope for me to live a “normal” life.”

I was fed up with feeling so sick and exhausted every, single day. I was in my early twenties, I should have been thriving, but instead I was feeling like my poor health ruled my life. I was following the advice from my Doctors, Specialists and Dieticians, yet nothing seemed to help me. My mental health was heavily affected by my physical symptoms and I truly believed there was no hope for me to live a “normal” life. My health was spiralling out of control, and my mental state was spiralling into depression. My Doctors told me that I would die if things didn’t change but I didn’t know what else I could change. I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

“My Doctors told me that I would die.”

I believed that I was eating fairly healthy at the time, as I was already following a gluten free and sugar free diet, but feeling so desperate to save my life, I started to delve into some self-guided research into nutrition, herbal medicine and environmental toxins. I’m so glad I did, it was a game changer!

Once I started following a nutritious diet, using herbal and nutritional medicines and avoiding toxins, my health improved significantly!! I had regained my energy, my gut issues vanished, the random pains throughout my joints and muscles disappeared, the depression and anxiety vanished, the constant colds and respiratory infections finally ceased after years of constant illness!! For the first time in my life, I started to have an understanding of what a “normal” life felt like.

“For the first time in my life, I started to have an understanding of what a “normal” life felt like.”

I realised that there must be many more people in similar situations to me, and I knew I had to enter a world where I could help people to achieve the same success that I had. I decided to enrol in a Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy so that I could pass on my learnings to others.

If my story relates to you in any way, I want you to know that there is hope! It is my passion to provide alternative, holistic treatment options and to teach you the tools to improve your health.

I want to help you change your life for the better, as I have.

I look forward to working with you!

“ I want to help you change your life for the better, as I have.”